
I’m Austin, the main writer from AnyInstructor.com.

I write beginner-friendly blog posts on useful data skills that anyone can learn from, for people just like you!

I’m currently a freelance Data Analyst and Data Analytics Instructor.

Before going freelance, I worked for 2 years as a data scientist at a healthcare organization and a healthcare data analyst at a startup.

The reason why I write is to learn alongside my readers and provide easily digestible content about data in a manner similar to that of a classmate or a friend.

I hope this website would provide you with useful in-demand skills!

Come connect with me on my LinkedIn to say hi!

You can start with my recommended resources for data here and join me on this amazing ride of learning all things data!

For those who are curious, check out my data science setup. :)

Do check out my articles too!

My Story

Love for Computers

My humble data journey first began with my love for computers. Ever since I was a young boy, computers always felt like a natural extension of myself! However, I never did much on my PC as a child except for video games.

Team Fortress 2, my favorite childhood game

As I began my studies in college, I went to take on a Biological Sciences major for my interest in natural life and its complexities. Very soon, I discovered that laboratory work wasn’t really for me!

Hungry to Learn All About Data

This was when I first discovered programming! I started attending workshops in Python and R on my own during winter breaks just so I could learn more!

You can almost say I was hooked on learning! With the experiences I had, I landed my first Data Science Research internship at a lab in my school for the summer of 2019.

From there, I met like-minded data lovers who shared the same passion. I also took on night classes on R on weekday nights to maximize my summer break.

A certificate in data analytics with R that I achieved with my brother!

I went on to take more modules related to data such as Bioinformatics and Data Science for Biologists. These courses helped me be more comfortable with statistics and computing.

Getting Data Analytics Internships

With the experiences I gained over the year I went ahead and applied for an internship position at a healthcare startup to put my data skills into action. While I was interning there, I also conducted online Excel workshops for juniors in school!

Conducted my first Excel Workshop!

With all the learning I was doing, I realized that there weren’t many places for beginners in data analytics to look for good resources! This led me to start this blog – AnyInstructor.com!

Through this blog, I documented all my learnings and provided as much help and value to my readers, so that you can also learn analytics, the right way!

Finally a Full-Fledged Data Analyst!

Things then started to look better when I was offered a full-time position at my internship company! As I learned new things at work, I gradually got better at my programming skills to meet the level of an entry-level data analyst!

Going Blogging Full-Time + Freelance Data Analyst/Scientist

After gaining over 2 years of data analytics experience, I decided to leave my full-time position at the healthcare startup to pursue my interests as a blogger for data analytics content on this blog!

I’ve also started doing freelance data analytics roles such as a Tableau webinar instructor and a bioinformatics data scientist.

This is where my journey is at right now, continuing my learning while providing you guys with helpful resources.

To be continued!