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Are you interested in learning how to code? If so, you’re probably looking for ways to speed up the process.

In this blog post, we will discuss 25 tips you can use to speed up the process and learn coding faster! Each of these tips is based on personal experience and research, so they are guaranteed to help you out!

Keep reading to learn more.

Tip #1: Find a Coding Mentor

One of the best ways to learn coding faster is to find a mentor. A mentor can help guide you through the learning process and answer any questions you have. They can also give you feedback on your progress.

Some places to find a mentor include:

Tip #2: Make Full Use of Free Online Resources

Another great way to learn coding fast is to take advantage of online resources. There are many free resources available that can teach you the basics of coding.

Some examples of free online resources are:

  • YouTube
  • Online Blogs
  • Medium
  • Codecademy
  • FreeCodeCamp
  • The Odin Project

No matter which programming language you’re learning there are bound to be plenty of resources available for free on these platforms.

The easiest way to learn from these online resources is to watch YouTube videos. They’re more engaging and can help with learning programming through a step-by-step online tutorial.

For more online resources, do check out my recommended resources page.

Tip #3: Be Active In Online Communities

In addition, it is also helpful to join online communities. These communities are full of people who are willing to help you learn and answer any questions you may have.

In an online community, you can ask questions, get help with coding challenges, and find resources. You can also meet other coders who are at different stages in their journey.

Some great communities to join include:

  • Reddit’s r/learnprogramming subreddit
  • Stack Overflow
  • FreeCodeCamp
  • CodeNewbie
  • Women Who Code.

Tip #4: Keep on Practicing on Projects

Finally, one of the most important things you can do is to practice, practice, practice! The more you code, the better you will become at it. In no time, you’ll be coding like a pro!

By practicing on projects, you will be able to learn new concepts and put them into practice. This is one of the best ways to learn coding fast!

Tip #5: Use a Debugger

Computer programming is not easy. And when you’re first starting out, it’s normal to make mistakes.

A debugger can help you find and fix errors in your code so that you can continue learning without getting frustrated.

There are many different debuggers available, so find one that works best for you and your workflow.

Tip #6: Set Aside Time Each Day to Code

To make sure you’re making progress, set aside time each day to code. Even if it’s just for an hour, this will help you stay on track and focused.

Tip #7: Join a Coding Boot Camp

If you want to learn coding fast, another option is to join a coding boot camp. These programs are designed to teach you everything you need to know in a short amount of time.

At a coding boot camps, you’ll be immersed in the world of coding and have access to experienced instructors who can help you along the way.

Many of the instructors in these boot camps are software developers who have many years of programming work experience.

Therefore, although these boot camps may cost a bit, they’re worth the investment if you want to learn coding fast.

Tip #8: Create a Study Schedule

Last but not least, one of the best ways to learn coding fast is to create a study schedule.

This schedule should include dedicated time for coding, practicing, and learning new concepts.

By doing this, you will be able to track your progress and ensure that you are making the most of your time.

For example, you can set aside some time on every Monday evening for learning new concepts and work on your programming project on a Saturday morning.

Tip #9: Create a Cheat Sheet

A cheat sheet is a great way to remember the various coding commands you need to know. When you’re starting out, it’s normal to forget things.

However, with a cheat sheet, you can quickly look up the information you need so that you can continue coding without interruption.

Tip #10: Use Online Courses

There are many online courses available that can teach you how to code. These courses are usually self-paced, so you can learn at your own pace.

Online courses can help accelerate your coding learning process by providing you with a structured learning curriculum.

Some online courses to learn coding include:

  • Codecademy’s Learn to Code course
  • Khan Academy’s Computer Science courses
  • Udacity’s Intro to Computer Science course
  • Treehouse’s Techdegree programs.

Tip #11: Use Books and Other Print Resources

In addition to online courses, another great resource for learning how to code are books.

There are many different books available that can teach you the basics of coding as well as more advanced concepts. These resources are often more comprehensive than online courses.

Books can be a great way to learn because they provide a step-by-step guide that you can follow at your own pace.

Print resources can also be a great supplement to online courses and can help you learn coding faster.

However, if you prefer using tablets for reading ebooks instead of print resources, that’s perfectly fine too!

Some great codings include:

  • “Python Programming” by John Zelle
  • “How to Think Like a Computer Scientist” by Allen B. Downey
  • “Python for You” by Wesley Chun

In addition to books, there are also many other print resources available that can help you learn coding faster.

These include:

  • Cheat sheets
  • Coding concept mindmaps
  • Flowcharts
  • Tutorials

Tip #12: Find a Coding Partner

One way to make the learning process more fun is to find a coding partner. This person can help you with your studies and provide moral support.

Here are some platforms where you can find a coding partner :

With these platforms, you’ll be receiving good online programming assistance from a fellow coding buddy.

In turn, you’ll also be able to help out your buddy if they are stuck!

Tip #13: Use Coding Challenges

Coding challenges are a great way to practice your coding skills and learn new concepts. These challenges usually come in the form of online exercises or puzzles that you can solve at your own pace.

Coding challenges can help you learn coding faster because they force you to think critically and solve problems.

Some great websites for coding challenges include:

  • CodeWars
  • Hackerrank
  • Leetcode

Tip #14: Give Yourself Breaks

It’s important to take breaks when you’re studying. This will help you retain the information you have learned and prevent burnout.

Try to take a break every 20-30 minutes and get up and move around. You can also use this break time to refresh and relax the mind.

Don’t underestimate the power of taking breaks while you’re learning to code. It will help you stay fresh and focused so that you can keep moving forward.

Tip #15: Reward Yourself

Finally, be sure to reward yourself for your hard work! Learning how to code can be challenging, but it’s also very rewarding.

When you reach milestones, take a break and treat yourself to something special. This will help you stay motivated and keep learning!

Some great rewards you can give yourself include:

  • A new coding book
  • A day off from studying
  • A new software tool or plugin
  • A massage or other relaxation activity.

Tip #16: Use a Flashcard App

Flashcards are a great way to memorize information. There are many different flashcard apps available that can help you learn coding.

Some great flashcard apps for learning coding include:

  • Anki
  • Quizlet
  • Chegg Flashcards

Tip #17: Read Other People’s Code

One of the best ways to learn how to code is to read other people’s code. This will help you understand how different concepts work and how they are implemented.

Having a place to draw inspiration from can really fuel your passion for learning to code.

When you’re reading other people’s code, be sure to comment on it so that they can give you feedback.

Some places where you can find code from other programmers include:

  • Stack Overflow
  • Kaggle
  • GitHub

These platforms will open up your mind to how others write code as well.

Tip #18: Use Code Playgrounds

A code playground is a great place to experiment with code without having to worry about breaking anything.

These playgrounds allow you to test out new ideas and see how they work without any risk.

Plus, they’re a lot of fun!

Here are some examples of code playgrounds:

  • CodePen
  • JSFiddle
  • Plunker
  • Liveweave.

Tip #19: Attend Coding Events and Meetups

In addition to online resources, another great way to learn coding is to attend coding events and meetups.

At these events, you will be able to interact with other coders and learn from their experiences. You can also get your questions answered by more experienced developers.

Some coding events and meetups that you can attend include:

  • CodeMash
  • PyCon
  • DjangoCon US
  • RubyConf

If you’re planning to become a software developer, this can be a good opportunity to network and get a job too.

Coding events and meetups are a great way to network and make connections in the coding community.

Tip #20: Follow Coding Forums and Discussion Groups

Another great way to learn coding is to follow coding forums and discussion groups.

At these forums, you will be able to find answers to your coding questions as well as learn from the experiences of other coders.

Some popular coding forums and discussion groups include:

  • Stack Overflow
  • Reddit’s /r/learnprogramming
  • Google’s Developer Forum
  • GitHub’s Issues section.

Tip #21: Use Graphics and Visualizations

When you’re first starting out, coding can seem like a foreign language.

To make it more understandable, try using graphics and visualizations.

This will help you see how the code works and what it does.

There are many different tools that you can use to create graphics and visualizations, including:

  • Flowchart.js
  • CodeFlow
  • Sequence Diagrams

Tip #22: Use Mnemonic Devices

Mnemonic devices can be a great way to remember the various coding commands you need to know.

For example, the acronym “ROY G BIV” can be used to remember the order of the colors in a rainbow (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet).

Another example is the acronym “PEMDAS” which stands for the order of operations in math (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division [left to right], Addition and Subtraction [left to right]).

Creating mnemonic devices can help you learn coding concepts faster and remember them for longer.

Tip #23: Join or Start a Coding Club

Joining or starting a coding club is a great way to meet other coders and learn from each other.

Coding clubs are usually informal groups that meet regularly to discuss coding concepts, work on projects together, and help each other with coding challenges.

Joining a coding club can help you learn about new coding languages and concepts, as well as get advice and feedback from more experienced coders.

Some coding clubs even host competitions where you can put your coding skills to the test and win prizes.

Whichever way it is, a club can really motivate you to just start coding!

Tip #24: Give Yourself Time to Rest and Relax

It is important to give yourself time to rest and relax, especially when you are learning something new.

Coding can be challenging and mentally draining, so it is important to take breaks and allow your mind to recharge.

Try to take a break at least once every hour, even if it is just for a few minutes.

During your break, you can do something calming, such as reading, listening to music, or spending time with friends or family.

Giving yourself time to rest will help you stay motivated and focused when you are coding.

Tip #24: Publish Your Code on GitHub

By publishing your code from your personal project on GitHub, you can quickly ask for help from other programmers.

They can also help improve your code by sending you pull requests on your own project.

In addition, when employers see that you have code on GitHub, it will demonstrate your coding ability and show that you are actively involved in the coding community.

To get started, create a GitHub account and then upload your code to a repository. You can learn more about how to do this in GitHub’s documentation.

Tip #25: Use Coding Games and Puzzles

Coding games and puzzles can be a great way to learn coding concepts in a fun and interactive way.

There are many online resources that offer coding games and puzzles, such as:

  • CodeCombat
  • CodinGame
  • CheckIO.

Not only are these games and puzzles a fun way to learn, but they can also help you develop your problem-solving and logic skills.


Learning how to code can seem like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a coding pro in no time!

By using the tips and tricks in this blog post on how to learn coding fast, you can learn coding faster and start your coding journey today!

Learning how to code doesn’t have to be difficult or take a long time. Just remember to be patient, practice often, and use resources that work best for you.

Thanks for reading! We hope this article was helpful.

My Favorite Learning Resources:

Here are some of the learning resources I’ve personally found to be useful as a data analyst and I hope you find them useful too!

These may contain affiliate links and I earn a commission from them if you use them.

However, I’d honestly recommend them to my juniors, friends, or even my family!

My Recommended Learning Platforms!

Learning PlatformWhat’s Good About the Platform?
1CourseraCertificates are offered by popular learning institutes and companies like Google & IBM
2DataCampComes with an integrated coding platform, great for beginners!
3PluralsightStrong focus on data skills, taught by industry experts
4StratascratchLearn faster by doing real interview coding practices for data science
5UdacityHigh-quality, comprehensive courses

My Recommended Online Courses + Books!

TopicOnline CoursesBooks
1Data AnalyticsGoogle Data Analytics Professional Certificate
2Data ScienceIBM Data Science Professional Certificate
3ExcelExcel Skills for Business Specialization
4PythonPython for Everybody SpecializationPython for Data Analysis
5SQLIntroduction to SQLSQL: The Ultimate Beginners Guide: Learn SQL Today
6TableauData Visualization with TableauPractical Tableau
7Power BIGetting Started with Power BI DesktopBeginning Microsoft Power BI
8R ProgrammingData Science: Foundations using R SpecializationLearning R
9Data VisualizationBig Book of Dashboards

To see all of my most up-to-date recommendations, check out this resource I’ve put together for you here.

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